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Topographic Survey 

A topographic survey is commonly performed on vacant land. Unlike other types of land surveys, the purpose of this survey is to map the contours, relief, roughness, shape, configuration, or three-dimensional characteristics of the surface of the terrain. This can include trees, streets, manholes, utility poles, and more. A topographic survey will also determine required setbacks, as well as information about surface and possibly underground utilities, More On Page:


Road Topographic Survey,

Pipeline Topographic Survey,

Plant Topographic Survey etc.

Survey Services

Construction Survey 

A Construction Survey is basically a land survey that presents locations and marks for construction activities; the process of executing evaluation and estimation prior to or during construction activities. It is carried out to layout engineering and construction works. Measurements are done for reference points that determine the location of the planned structure, vertical and horizontal positioning, and dimensions, and to control  elevation, More On Page:


Road Construction Survey,

Buildings Construction Survey,

Industrial Plant Construction Survey,

Survey Services

Whether you are looking to locate existing underground utilities detection, pipes, and cables, or want to plan the safe placement of new infrastructure, LCC company has the underground mapping solution. Depending on your project, site, or what you’re trying to locate, we offer both pipe & cable locating, Cavity Grouting, and (Ground Penetrating Radar) GPR Survey services. Using precision pipe and cable locators, in hand with, More On Page:


GPR Survey,

Underground Utility Detection,

Voids and Cavity Detection Survey,

Survey Services

Our fast and accurate marine survey services assist in determining everything from the depth and bottom. Land Construction Company, provides Bathymetric Survey, Hydrographic survey, Meteorological, Oceanographic, Marine Geophysical Survey, Environmental baseline studies, or any specific survey and monitoring requirements survey services to engineers, aquatic construction companies, government agencies, and environmental professional clients. More On Page:


Marine Survey and ADCP Survey,

Bathymetric and Hydrographic,

Dredging Survey etc.

Survey Services

3D Laser scanning is a very powerful 3D imaging tool. Laser scanning has the advantage of full 3D capture of the desired area in X, Y, and Z coordinates without physical contact. The scanner emits a laser beam and produces a 360-degree scan image with literally millions of 3D points forming a point ‘cloud. The speed of acquisition and the sheer density of points enables very detailed 3D mapping of complex objects and landscapes. More On Page:


3D Laser Scanning,

3D Revit Model,

BIM Modelling etc.

Survey Services

Geographic Information System | GIS Mapping, ArcGIS Services, GIS Remote Sensing, and GIS Data conversion services allow us to capture, store, analyze, and display geographic information. Various types of analysis can be performed and visually displayed through overlaying, merging, or joining different types of spatial and tabular data layers. Based on paper or electronic data either captured by our customers or otherwise collected, More On Page:


ArcGIS Mapping Services,

GIS Remote Sensing Services,

GIS Data conversions Services etc.​

Survey Services

A Geodetic Control Survey network is a group of interconnected geodetic points and serves as the basis for carrying out benchmark (Coordinates and Elevation) measurements in the field of engineering geodesy. Geodetic networks represent the materialization of the coordinate system (UTM, WGS84, etc.) on the site and allow the measurements to be made with the required precision throughout the construction site and at any stage of the construction, More On Page:


Geodetic Survey,

Traversing Survey and 

Levelling Survey etc.

Survey Services

Quantity and Stockpile Survey

We are able to carry out stockpile volume calculations for either regular updates or one off-site visit to stockpile yards, quarries, and construction sites. We have experience in working in a wide variety of sites across the Kingdom Saudi Arabia. We can measure stockpiles directly and relate them to the 3D Laser Scanners, Laser Total Station and GPS technology, or for larger stockpiles utilize remote measuring techniques. More On Page:


Stockpile Quantity Survey,

Raw Materials Quantity Survey,

Earthwork Quantity Survey etc.

Survey Services
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